I'm a day clown for work and a night clown for fun and for balance. Some folks don't like seeing clowns working in nightclubs but that's just silly. Humanity is bawdy and adults deserve a chance to let the hair down and have a good time. There is nothing wrong with adult humor and i make sure our stuff is always positive, never exploitative and no matter how dark the stunt we are doing we are always grinning.
My favorite singer is the guy from
Chervona Mr. Andre Temkin.
His Russian background has him using sounds we don't normally hear in U.S.A. music. This makes the music I want to hear. I love an ass shaking band that is dedicated to joy and goodwill,
I'm happy to see them anytime. Boy was I delighted when we struck up a years long friendship. We are also very fond of his "wife to be" Alma, she is a real sharp dream boat box a firecrackers, Andre is very fortunate to have her fancy. She doesn't play an instrument in the band but she out hustles all of them when it comes to keeping Chervona alive. Alma ROCKS! All the Chervonas rock. I have seen them do all weather and venues over the years and I'm proud of the steadfastness they always displayed. I like winners who try and score. They made my year when they asked me to do this show with them at my favorite night venue Dante's Inferno Room.!
Chervonas facebook
I love how Russian
Chervona is but I also love how American they have become.
Andre and Alma wanted to do up April Fools day right so they asked Rootbeer and I to clown it up proper. That was a dream come true for this clown.
I don't think he expected us to round up a fantastic Team Jester to join them and the band
"All The Apparatus". It was a crunch to get us all on stage and I'm so grateful to them for having patience with us and good happy communication.
The great dream became a wet dream when I noticed
Janaka Jayawardena and co. walking into Dante's with huge camera gear attached. I knew that whatever they taped and edited was gonna rock. I think they did not disappoint.
At the planning meeting it was decided that I would create an
all star team of positive, interesting, sexy, good clean fun fools to be my gang.
I looked around and consulted friends about what archetypes compose the perfect fools.
took a long walk in the shower to come up with a storyline. I know what a lot of
the life speed bumps are... so I kind of proceeded with that in mind.
Making fun of stuff that confounds me.
Also my Russian partners asked that there be a wedding so I had that in
mind too.
I went out looking for people who the public would be ready to
be proud of . Folks who I wouldn't mind engaging in a years long project.
People who consistently make touchdowns in their field. Some i have been doing this a long time with, some i always wanted to,
someone new to the biz, someone who has never done it before, it was cool
to see the bright attitudes and willingness to work hard.
At the end we
got the bonus of a guest appearance by Latisha Strickland a woman I
have been a fan of from the gate! So much thanks Chervona bambino Y
Backstage!!!!! |
Olive had to work overtime making garbage bag choir gowns and balloon bikinis. |
Practice! |