At 12:00 AM last night I knew that I only had 5 hours to sleep but unfortunately there was still another hours worth of stuff that needed to be done before I could put my head down.
Olive's sis was with us tonight so she could ride downtown in the early morning and be kid clowns with us at an event.
Her job was face painter, Olive and her whole family are fantastic artists so any chance i got to work with any of them.
The event was for Running enthusiasts and our perspective is from a tent inside the little village. We didn't see any action but Olive and I were even asked to marshal the kids zombie race. So much at stake but we are good at what we do.
I was busy with loading bags and mixing epoxy before bed or I would have just been lying there awake anyways.
It seemed like as soon as I put my head down the two alarms went off waking the three of us Olive, Me and her sister.
I got out and loaded up the bike with all the stuff I had ready by the door.
OK I can admit I was a little shaky coming out of the chute this mornin but I got myself together. I'm no stranger to "up at dark thirty"...I raised two babies with allergies so I was up all night most nights for a long time.
This is not a camera really looked like this in the dog hours of Ptown. |
I'm pretty sure this is the moment I woke up. |
The gig is just on the other side of the Hawthorne Bridge.
We get to work down there???? Thats In Tents!! | HAHAHAHA |
| They gave us money to buy crayons. We didn't buy our own because we owe it to our patron to get them the most bang for the quality buck. Our crayons are great for a souvenir or a collection, maybe a sick kid. Hundreds of Runner children deserve several new boxes from the good old mother ship. |
Olive did still make all the coloring pages rubber chicken themed though. |
"OK Volunteers please be ready to "hurry up and wait" if needed. |
It was quiet save for the classic rock from the DJ. It's very hard to believe that in a few min. there are gonna be throngs of people filling this little corner of Portland. |
Dingo Diz, Marion Music, Olive Rootbeer!!! |
oooI did get a little bit sucker punched when I gave $3 for 8oz. crappy coffee with non dairy creamer and some kind of institutional can of sugar. I payed the most for the smallest portion of the worst quality. I took one sip and threw the rest away. BOO! |
Morning has broken. |
I only have pics from when the fewest folks were around. We spent most of the morning twisting balloons and cracking wise to tons of kids. |
Off to marshal the race. They told me were to station myself and I could hear over the loudspeakers..I remember thinking."That sounds like Olive Rootbeer" and it was. Y'know what she was saying? She was telling the mob to run to Dingo!!!!" |
I went as far as they told me and hung out with a police officer for a bit until they actually started the kid race. I took this pic as a hundred people were running right at me. |
OK all the kids and parents and patrons are happy!!!Thats what we care about. |
Now we follow that bridge back home to plot the next clown attack...or maybe get some sleep.
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