My lady loves her city and was thrilled to go down there and lend our full support. |
This is the slickest protest campaign I have ever seen. Let me tell ya friends..I knew that if the bell ever rang again calling me into action I would stand and be counted. Gone are the days of punk rock flyers on poles for protests. I keep expecting to see "Protest sponsored by the American Dairy Council, Britta and the National fund for apes with Herpes.
i was a front line political activist for over a decade. We won and lost lots of battles over civil rights. Those battles were always in defense of a protest, This shin dig will be the first time we will be making a play rather than a defensive maneuver or retreat.
Let's go down there and meet some folks, This occupation don't have a clear message but we do know that things are broken, unbalanced and at least a little wonky. Ya can't make an omelet without occupying a few eggs right? We are gonna need to know who each other is and what people need to get it together in hard times.. If it gets serious a day like this will have had come in handy. Think of it as a fire drill for revolution and evolution. Good luck and don't fudge it up. |
We could see the crowds gathered from far away and got really excited. |
I was glad to stand and be counted in an evolution of how mankind talks and deals with things.
Folks have different concerns but the one thing that all have in common is that this fright train to oblivion has got to stop.
I'm glad to be a part of something where Mushroom man and viking can meet and decide the fate of not just the country but the whole planet |
click to see bigger....
In the 90s and early 2000s it was free thinkers and Anarchists vs. cops and the government.
People had jobs so they didn't care when tribal kids got head bashed defending trees.
Now the pissed off parties are mainstream folks.
If the government uses the same heavy tactics as they did with us I fear it will become a civil war.
I'm a clown no matter what.
i see this gathering as a fire drill for the population who hasn't been on the front line all this time. Without political protestors you would never see a black woman voting for herself in an election that she is running in like you see today. I'm glad to school the new generations and new friends on whats up. | I was furious at the hipster movement for turning so many freedom fighters into vapid mush in ugly hats. We lost a lot of good people and tactics. The good part is we also lost the folks who were just in it because they just always have to have a problem (like my ex). Career angry folk never solve anything. The new folks are positive and balanced, the new crowd want change for global reasons I feel instead of personal angst rebellion or fashion. Just an opinion, i don't feel like I know everything. It's a learning thing. | |
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Olive at the rear with the gear!!!AAAAH! |
Some of my favorite fellahs were there somehow Topher, Nathan, Jon, Jimmy,Jason America, and a lady who was very happy to see me but I didn't know who she was because she was rocking a frikkin balaclava.
My favorite person is of course Olive Rootbeer.There is a huge corporation that is scratching it's head right now because she turned down a regional management position. If they knew her personally they would know she don't want her name and karma tied to a nameless corporation.She is her own person. |
This isn't the protests of old. I took the chance to run in and get a Starbucks. I wouldn't have done that back in the day but now I can appreciate the irony. I'm a lot more effective at "fighting the good fight" since I stopped wearing the F.U. stamp on my forehead all the time.
I got sick of hanging out with folks who are 24/7 angry. If it helps me interact with the wide range of mainstream Portland then I have no problem buying Starbucks. It doesn't hold a candle to my organic fair trade coffee though.
Nathan has the pig he wanted. Right On Nathan! |
Where did they all go?" oh the crowd marched while we were chatting. We found them starting to camp at the waterfront. I hear it's quite the party and I'm glad the mayor saw fit to permit the overnight camping. Thanks Mr. Mayor!!! |
Olive says "Lets go this way" |
Then some Geese started protesting bugs, cheetos and cig butts that were occupying the ground. Solidarity Goose sistahs! |
Then we4 all had our own stuff ta do in all points elsewhere. So we split the occupation. See ya tomorrow! |
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