Sunday, August 7, 2011

Jakefest 2011 part 3, Our part.

Our fine and capable host Uncle Eerie Shivers slid all the acts in and out with class and vigor.

calm down now need to start a riot!

we are gonna start the show with something never tried before on any stage...I card trick.

OK kid I know everyone has a card trick but here we are so pick a darn card.

show them what it is!!

to get the secret to what card was chosen we must break into this special magic safe.


Dingo that wasn't the correct card!!!!!You must be punished for busting that brick on me!!

PIE-YOWWWW!crunch crinkle

and then we both pretend like we shouldn't go to the emergency room. Sheesh what we do to entertain folks!

Now we do the stunt that we adapted from the Great Slim Chance's act the bucket levitation!

he said we could do it as long as he isn't in town at the time. I think it's safe to say he is hunderds maybe thousands of miles away. He got it from a Y.M.C.A. book from the 50s

Olive has an amazing flair for this one.

Olive created this skit for the kids. I didn't want to do it. "Hon we cant control what the kids will do." Olive:"Exactly" brilliant.

Gotta love this pic

Here I have a can of bugs!

thanks for keeping the bugs secure Uncle J

Olive picks a hottie to be our lovely table.

Dingo picks a couple of fellows to participate in the bug eating race. We are interactive clown dontcha know.


munch munch munch gurggle burp

The guy in the rasta hat fumbled and so the winner was Nils Scurvy the bass thumper for Drag Strip Riot.

we both agreed that he ate the most bugs and besides that he played fair and is a swell guy. He wins the space ship stickers!!!!

and to our lovely table a heart felt thanks.

Thank you town of Long Beach!

Now Mr.Delvis is in command of the Bride of Jake contest!!!!

It's great to have ape helpers.

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