Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How could this rumpus on the bus have started? Well I will tell you

We went out on a hunter gathering mission the make a small living on the streets of the big city as troupidores.  Upon entering a bus, the driver declared that our money was no good ! she needed a spirit lift so our fare would be to entertain all with some G rated fare. "Yes Mam glad to help!". I know that her line is full of very difficult people so I was so glad to be there for her. Just another night for some clowns in the big city.
.That fella stared at him like that the entire time! um...awkward :)
The denizens of SE 82nd. were so happy to see us!
OH this is the pic i was looking for.

We sang some sweet songs, told some jokes, taught babies to shave...Y'know normal stuff. We are after all healers.  I asked wook and Sarah to join me because they are sharp, awake, not all messed up emotionally or chemically. That's perfect oxygen to earn us some daily bread and make tons of folks happy at the same time. Nice Flower Sarah.

Our Manager Madam Rootbeer was so pleased with us she got us another gig at another bus on 82nd and Powell. It was really cold while we waited for the venue to arrive.

We called ourselves "The Binz" because we were cheap and nothing we did matched. 
One of our fans was so taken by seeing us that he borrowed my guitar and played it better than any of us.

OK what do we play for this captive audience?    We decided to change the format to a more eclectic offering.

He did a straight Irish murder ballad about a unicorn that drank too much, She yelled "I am real therefor i feel" through a ta mbourine over and over. I did a song about a DIY manual for replacing a water heater thermocouple that i put to music.This is exactly what we sounded like.

Soon as we got off I noticed we were still on 82nd. I was shocked. I can still see the last bus stop. WTF? tough crowd on 82nd. street? weird.I wish we would have remembered to ask for donations.

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